Uri Avner (13-01-1941 – 10-06-2014)

UriAvnerGM Uri Avner passed away on the 10th of June, 2014, at the age of 73, after a long battle with a severe disease. For many years Uri Avner led the Israeli chess composition society, represented Israel in the WCCC and was the best Israeli composer. Uri was always involved in various sub-committees and was the President of the PCCC from 2006 to 2010 during its transition to WFCC.  He was also nominated honorary president in 2010.

WFCC expresses condolences to Israeli problemists, Uri’s family, relatives, friends.

10th ECSC, 16.-18.05.2014

10thECSC-logoThe 10th ECSC took place at Igalo, Montenegro in 16.-18.05.2014.

All the solving events were organised, controlled and judged by the tireless Ryszard Królikowski. His efforts have been titanic and WFCC is really thankful. It is sad that Paul Valois, who had volunteered to help Ryszard in controlling and marking, passed away unexpectedly a few days before the event.

  • ECSC: 15 teams and 63 solvers. The three top teams: Poland, Russia, Serbia. The three top solvers: Piotr Murdzia (Poland), Georgy Evseev (Russia), Marko Filipović (Croatia).
  • Open Solving tournament: 60 participants. The three top solvers: Jonathan Mestel (Great Britain), Piotr Murdzia (Poland), Piotr Górski (Poland).
  • Quick Solving: 35 participants. The three top solvers: Jonathan Mestel (Great Britain), Vasyl Dyachuk (Ukraine), Jorma Paavilainen (Finland).

See the detailed results, problems and solutions of the tournaments. Congratulations to the winners and to all participants!

10th International Solving Contest: Results

Final results for the 10th International Solving Contest are published!

36 tournaments in 30 countries, 488 solvers from 34 countries.

Category 1 (290 solvers): 1) Piotr Murdzia (POL), 2)-3) Marko Filipovic (CRO), 2)-3) Kacper Piorun (POL)

Category 2 (198 solvers): 1) Jeyhun Huseynzada (AZE), 2) Arie Kozer (ISR), 3) Chris Maes (BEL)

Problems cat.1 | Problems cat.2 | Solutions cat.1 | Solutions cat.2

Study of the Year 2012

soy2012-diagram“The Study of the Year“ award is organized by the WFCC and aims at introducing to the general public a single friendly endgame study that would hopefully appeal to chess players of various levels and encourage them to pay a deeper attention to the art of the endgame study on a more regular basis.

An international panel of world famous experts (David Gurgenidze, Oleg Pervakov, Gady Costeff, Ilham Aliev and Harold van der Heijden) examined the candidates and announced The Study of the Year 2012 at the end of 2013.