Study of the Year 2013

soy2013-diagThe Study of the Year 2013 has been selected! The marvelous study of Pavel Arestov can be downloaded from

You may click on the diagram at the left to view the study and play through the solution.

The report, all studies submitted and the scores of the judges can be found at:

Harold van der Heijden
Spokesman of the endgame study committee of the WFCC

58th WCCC & 39th WCSC

Logo_58WCCC_Ostroda 2015Dear delegates, deputies and individual members, solvers. The official announcement and agenda of the 58th World Congress of Chess Composition & the 39th World Chess Solving Championship in Ostroda, Poland, 1-8.08.2015 will be published at the end of February.

In case of any questions concerning the Congress and WCSC in Ostroda use the following e-mail address:

− Piotr Murdzia, Aleksander Miśta

FIDE ALBUM 2010-2012 – Results in section E2

fide-album-photoThe results of section E2 (helpmates longer than 2 moves) are ready. We appreciate the hard work of the judging panel and the director, as this section always turns to be very popular (almost 1400 entries!) →Read more…

We are also very glad to inform the problemists worldwide that editing of the 2007-09 Album is proceeding very efficiently and we trust that the anthology will be ready for sale in the Ostróda congress in August.

11th European Chess Solving Championship

11ECSC-logo211ECSC-logo1Iasi County Chess Association, Romanian Chess Federation and World Federation of Chess Composition have the honour of inviting all chess problems solvers and chess composition friends, to participate in the 11th European Chess Solving Championship organized in Iasi, Romania, from 01 May (Arrival) to 04 May (Departure) 2015.
Tournament Director: Eng. Dr. Vasile Manole, President of Iasi County Chess Association, Iasi, Romania.

ISC 2015 Applications

Dear WFCC delegates, dear ISC 2015 controllers,

Here is the list of applications (registered countries and names of local controllers) received for ISC 2015.

Please inform us if you notice that any application is missing and should be added. Thank you.

We wish you all Happy New Year.

Ivan Denkovski
Gligor Denkovski
ISC 2015 central controllers

Reminder to the Invitation to 11th ISC: 3rd cat.

The International Solving Contest next year will take place on Sunday January 25th 2015. The event is happening simultaneously in all participating countries. …Read more…

A reminder that ISC 2015 will also include a third category, intended for youth. Juniors (cadets) who have not reached the age of 13 on the date in which the ISC is held are eligible to participate. Therefore according to the above rule, eligible for the ISC of 2015 Category C would be those who had been born after 25th of January 2002.