7th WCCT – Letter No. 1

7th WCCT – Letter No. 1

7 W C C T


List of all countries participant in 7 WCCT:

Argentina; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; BIH; Brazil;
Czech; Denmark; England; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Holland;
Croatia; Hungary; Israel; Italia; Yugoslavia; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Lithuania;
Macedonia; Morocco; Moldavia; Mongolia; Poland; Romania; Russia; Slovakia;
Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; USA

Thanks for all applications and successful participate to all
teams in this great competition

Questions by Holland:

Section A, 2-movers

The definition goes: "Single-phase 2-movers……"
If a problem has a set play or a try with play of which the content is different
from the thematic play in the solution, will that problem be disqualified?
That should mean: every problem with setplay and/or tries will be cancelled.

The definition states the MINIMUM requirement for a problem to be thematic.
Therefore, as long as the problem satisfies this minimum requirement it is
thematic. Additional contents by itself (including set, try, etc.) cannot
disqualify the problem. It is the judges’ duty to decide whether this additional
content does or does not add value to the problem.

Section C, more-movers

"……… in which a white piece vacates square X to allow another
white piece to occupy that same square …………." Is it required
that the only purpose of the white piece vacating square X, is to allow an
other white piece to occupy that square, or is it allowed to the vacating
white piece to do also other things (f.i. capturing a black piece that guards
the square where white finally mates)?

Formally, any vacation, pure or impure in aim, is thematic. However, a convincing
exposition of the theme seems to call for a pure, or at least a relatively
pure execution. ["Relative purity" means that there are at least
two ways to achieve a certain aim (e.g. "capturing a black piece that
guards the square where white finally mates"), but only one succeeds
because it vacates the thematic square for another white piece to occupy it

Questions by Ukraine:


1.Does the selfpinning (in this posiition) correspond with thematic identicity?
W:Kg6,Tg5,Th1,Lf6,pp.f2,h3 B:Kh4,Dh2,Lh8,Sg3
1.- Dh3: – selfpinning by the Q is pinned by the herself1.- Kh3: – the Q is
pinned by the K

2.Does the unpinning correspond with its indencity in the following two-variations?
W:Kc1,Sd2,Se1 B: Ka1,Lh6,Sh2,pa2
1.- Lf8 2.Sb3# – direct unpin
1.- Sf2 2.Sc2 – indirect unpin

3.Are the selfblocks identical with the two-variations system of themein
the position?
W: Kg5,Td1,La7,Sc3 B:Ke5,Td8,Sf8,Pe6
1.- Td6 2.Te1# – simple blocking
1.- Sd6 2.Ld4 – compound blocking

4.Does the following type of blocks correespond with the same thematic
group of the 7 WCCT theme?
W:Ke7,Th4,Lh3,Pc4,Pf2,Pg3 B:Ke5,Te1,Lb1,Pd4
1.- Te4 2.Th5 – simple self-block
1.- Le4 2.f4# – compound selfblock

In principle, all 4 cases are acceptable as showing thematic pairs belonging
to the same thematic group. However, this is the composer’s choice. For example,
the composer can legitimately show direct pinning and indirect pinning (a)
as belonging to the same thematic group or (b) as belonging to two separate
thematic groups. Both choices are allowed.


Is task h#2,5 possible?

Answer: Helpmates in 2.5 moves are not allowed.

Director of 7WCCT
P.BOX 163, 1480 Gevgelija

Invitation by Z. Janevski

Some words from the WCCT Subcommittee

Using Popeye for checking single box problems
Letter No. 2

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