7th WCCT

7th World Chess Composing Tournament of the FIDE




The quest for themes for the seven sections of the 7th WCCT began a year ago, when composers all over the world were asked to propose suitable themes for the occasion. Although the scope of reply was not as vast as one could hope for, a reasonable number of suggestions from several problemists (we thank them all!) made it possible to set the filtering process in motion. The final selection was done by the members of the WCCT subcommittee during the PCCC meeting in Wageningen (July-August 2001), with certain amendments still in progress over the following two months.

The success of this endeavor will be measured by the power of the themes that lie ahead to stimulate a diversity of ideas and give rise to memorable compositions. After all, the notion behind the WCCT is not necessarily the fierce competition among nations, but the creation of things of beauty and magnificence, that will prevail long after the battle is over.

For this tourney to take place at all, a judging system is inevitable. While such a system is always susceptible to human error, we have tried to minimize this factor by devising a new, uncommon procedure. Hence, instead of the old-fashioned single judge, each of the 7th WCCT sections will be judged by 5 countries. The justification for this huge leap is largely dependent upon the determination of the judging countries to come forward with the most reliable awards, so that we may all benefit from the experience.


We wish all participants spectacular ideas and good luck!


Uri Avner
Spokesman of the WCCT subcommittee
Ramat Gan, September 24th, 2001


Editors of chess magazines are asked not to publish problems with themes of this tournament before the award of the WCCT is printed.


Invitation by Z. Janevski Themes Rules


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