Guidelines for solving tournaments

wfcc-logo-transparentLast year, the solving committee worked on a set of guidelines for the directors of rated solving tournaments. The preliminary text was accepted at the last WCCC in Vilnius. Julia Vysotska wrote a Russian translation, for which we are very grateful.

Guidelines for solving tournaments: English | Russian

We hope that tournament directors take a look at this text before they start to prepare their next solving tournament. They should pay specific attention to the selection of the problems and studies, and to the points’ distribution (in particular of moremovers and studies). These guidelines give the necessary instructions and recommendations.

After each tournament the director will receive feedback from the solving committee with a quality check document. We hope that the directors will take notice. The ultimate goal is that in the future all rated tournaments will be organised in a consistent manner, no matter who is the director. This will be to the benefit of the solvers. After all, their rating is based on the results in these tournaments.

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