WFCC Statutes

WFCC Statutes

Statutes of the

World Federation for Chess Composition

Accepted in Hersonissos, Crete, Greece on October 19th 2010

Table of Contents

1 Name and Legal Status

2 Goal

3 Principal Activities

4 Relations to other bodies

5 Domicile

6 Membership

6.1 Country members

6.1.1 Eligible organisations

6.1.2 Admission and expulsion

6.2 Individual members

6.3 Representatives

7 Organisation

8 WFCC Meeting

8.1 Ordinary Meeting

8.1.1 Duties and Responsibilities

8.1.2 Invitation

8.1.3 Agenda

8.1.4 Quorum

8.1.5 Voting Rights

8.1.6 Proposals

8.1.7 Formal regulations

8.2 Extraordinary Meeting

9 Presidium

9.1 Presidium members

9.2 Election and Period of office

9.3 Duties and responsibilities

9.4 President

9.5 Vice-Presidents

9.6 Treasurer

10 Other officers

10.1 Secretary

10.2 Auditor and Reserve Auditor

10.2.1 Duties

10.2.2 Election and Period of Office

11 Committees

11.1 Standing Committees

12 Financial Regulations

12.1 Principles

12.2 Documents

12.3 Agenda Items

12.4 Liabilities

12.5 Dissolution

13 Concluding clauses

Annex I: List of current country members

Annex II: Detailed rules for the admission and expulsion
of Member Countries

Annex III: Attribution of titles

Attributed titles

Rules for the attribution of titles

Composing titles

Judging title

Solvers’ rating and titles

Solving norms

Solving titles

Honorary Master of Chess Composition


Annex IV: Procedure for Presidium elections

Annex V: Verification of representatives’ right to represent
their country member

1 Name and Legal Status

World Federation for Chess Composition

hereafter called “WFCC” is an association in accordance with art. 60 ff of
the Swiss Civil Code.

2 Goal

The goal of the WFCC’s existence and work is the dissemination and encouragement
of chess composition throughout the world.

The WFCC is a non-profit organisation.

3 Principal Activities

The principal activities of the WFCC are derived from its goal; they include

  • the formulation of rules and guidelines in all domains of chess composition
  • the arrangement of official international composing and solving competitions
  • the initiation of the publication of collections of chess compositions
    of general interest
  • the awarding of titles to particularly deserving persons active in chess
    composition, including solvers and judges

4 Relations to other bodies

The WFCC aspires to establish and maintain friendly relations with other
bodies that have an interest in the same goal.

In particular, the WFCC strives for a defined and friendly relationship with
the World Chess Federation (FIDE). It considers itself FIDE’s natural partner
for all matters related to chess composition.[1]

5 Domicile

The domicile of the WFCC is Berne, Switzerland.

6 Membership

6.1 Country members

6.1.1 Eligible organisations

An organisation deemed by the WFCC to represent the residents of a country
interested in chess composition (or a majority thereof) can be a country member
of the WFCC.[2]

There can be at most one country member per country.

6.1.2 Admission and expulsion

The WFCC Meeting decides with a two-thirds majority on applications for admission
submitted by an eligible organisation. It may also decide, by the same majority,
that a country member shall be expelled.

Annex I contains the list of current WFCC country members.

The more detailed conditions of admission and expulsion are laid down in
Annex II.

6.2 Individual members

The WFCC Meeting can appoint deserved delegates to honorary membership for
life, and deserved presidents to honorary presidency for life, upon their

6.3 Representatives

WFCC members are represented in the WFCC Meeting as follows:

  • Country members are represented by a delegate appointed by the country
    member; should the delegate be unable to attend an WFCC Meeting, he or the
    country member that appointed him is entitled to nominate a temporary deputy.[3]
    Both delegates and deputies must be citizens of or habitually resident in
    the country that they represent. No one person may simultaneously represent
    more than one country member.
  • Individual members represent themselves[4]

7 Organisation

The WFCC’s organs are:

  • WFCC Meeting (meeting of the representatives)[5]
  • Presidium
  • Auditor
  • Committees

8 WFCC Meeting

8.1 Ordinary Meeting

The WFCC representatives ordinarily meet once a year. If no organiser for
the Ordinary meeting can be found among the member countries, the Presidium
shall organise it as they see fit.

The WFCC Meeting shall permit the discussion and consideration of the items
of the Agenda, along with the passing of resolutions.

The WFCC Meeting shall be chaired by a member of the Presidium, normally
the President. Discussions where a particular Presidium member is involved
personally[6] or officially[7]
shall not be chaired by that Presidium member.

Discussions during WFCC Meetings shall be chaired to be short and focused
to the matter. If the nature and scope of a matter demand it[8],
the WFCC Meeting shall appoint a Committee to deal with the matter outside
the sessions.[9]

8.1.1 Duties and

The WFCC Meeting has the following non-transferable duties:

  • Verification of delegates’ and deputies’ right to represent their country
  • Verification of attendance and voting-rights
  • Election of the President, the other Presidium members and the Auditors
  • Admission and expulsion of members
  • Acceptance of the minutes of previous meetings
  • Items listed in 12 , in particular acceptance of the financial report
    for the previous business year
  • Granting of titles
  • Decisions about proposals by members
  • Announcement of candidate venues for the subsequent meeting
  • Decisions regarding modifications to the Statutes
  • Decisions regarding the dissolution of the WFCC
  • Decisions regarding all matters that are not reserved to other organs
  • Establishment of Committees and election of Committee members
  • Decisions regarding the collection of membership fees and other fees

8.1.2 Invitation

The representatives shall be invited to an Ordinary meeting in sufficient
time to allow them to make the necessary arrangements for travel and accommodation.

8.1.3 Agenda

An Agenda shall be drawn up for every Ordinary meeting and shall be communicated
to all representatives at least three (3) weeks before the start of the meeting.

8.1.4 Quorum

A quorum at any meeting shall consist of at least one-third (1/3) of the

8.1.5 Voting Rights

Each represented country member has one vote in elections and voting.[11] [12]

Majorities are calculated based on the number of country members represented
at the respective vote or election.

Unless otherwise specified, WFCC decisions require a straight majority.

The following decisions need a two-thirds (2/3) majority:

  • admission and expulsion of members
  • modifications to the Statutes[13]
  • dissolution of the WFCC

8.1.6 Proposals

Member countries can make proposals to be dealt with at an Ordinary meeting.
These proposals shall reach the Presidium at least six (6) weeks before the

During a meeting, representatives can make proposals based on the discussions
and decisions at the meeting. Before dealing with the proposed matter of such
a proposal, the WFCC Meeting first decides whether to deal with the proposal
at all.

8.1.7 Formal regulations

All spoken contributions at the WFCC Meeting are made in or simultaneously
translated[14] into English
and Russian. As far as possible, other simultaneous translations shall be
provided to enable all representatives to follow the discussion.

The Invitation, Agenda, Financial Report, Balance sheet, Budget, Proposals,
Committee reports and other information of importance to the WFCC Meeting
shall be delivered to the representatives in written English form[15];
as far as possible, translations shall be provided so that all representatives
can understand them.

Documents for which there is no defined deadline shall be delivered at a
time that allows the representatives to study them before they are dealt with
in the sessions.

Unless otherwise specified, the WFCC Meeting is held in public. At the request
of a delegate or deputy, the WFCC Meeting may decide to exclude the public
from (the remainder of) a session; at such closed sessions, only the delegates,
deputies, individual members and the Secretary may be present.

Unless otherwise specified, decisions at the WFCC Meeting are taken by a
count of hands executed by the Secretary. However, a single delegate or deputy
can demand a secret vote for a specific decision.

Unless otherwise specified, Committee sessions are open to the representatives.

8.2 Extraordinary Meeting

In case of an emergency, the Presidium may call an Extraordinary meeting
to secure the WFCC’s ongoing activities until the next Ordinary meeting.

Extraordinary meetings shall be held according to the regulations for Ordinary
meetings, except for deadlines, which may be adjusted by the Presidium according
to the urgency of the matter.

All decisions taken at an Extraordinary meeting are subject to confirmation
at the following Ordinary meeting.

Decisions on the following items may only be taken at Ordinary meetings:

  • Presidium elections
  • Agenda items listed in 12
  • the admission and expulsion of members
  • the dissolution of the WFCC

9 Presidium

9.1 Presidium members

The members of the Presidium are:

  • the President
  • the first, second and third Vice-Presidents

The Presidium decides on which Vice-President assumes the office of Treasurer.

9.2 Election and
Period of office

The Presidium is elected for a period of four (4) years.[16]

The procedure for the election of the Presidium is detailed in Annex IV.

The newly elected Presidium starts its work after the end of the WFCC Meeting
during which the election took place.

9.3 Duties and responsibilities

The Presidium’s duties and responsibilities are:

  • preparing the meetings
  • setting up and distributing the Agenda
  • inviting the members
  • chairing the WFCC Meetings
  • putting into effect the decisions of the WFCC Meeting
  • overseeing the WFCC’s activities throughout the year
  • duties listed in 12
  • maintaining contact with organisations that the WFCC is in relation with
  • appointing persons authorised to sign on behalf of the WFCC
  • other business according to WFCC decisions

Presidium Meetings are closed to the public. The Presidium may invite the
Secretary and Honorary Presidents to attend its meetings.

9.4 President

The President organises the work of the Presidium in order for it to fulfil
its duties.

9.5 Vice-Presidents

The first Vice-Presidents assumes the duties of the President should the
President be unable to fulfil them. The second and third Vice-President assume
these duties should the first/second Vice-President be unable as well.

9.6 Treasurer

The Treasurer handles the Presidium’s duties listed in 12 .

10 Other officers

10.1 Secretary

The Secretary is appointed by the Presidium. He must not be a delegate, deputy
or individual member.

He attends the WFCC Meetings and prepares and distributes the minutes. He
may be assigned other administrative duties by the Presidium.

10.2 Auditor and Reserve Auditor

10.2.1 Duties

The Auditor’s duties are listed in 12.

The Reserve Auditor fulfils the Auditor’s responsibilities should the Auditor
be unable to fulfil them.

10.2.2 Election and Period of Office

The Auditor and Reserve Auditor are delegates, but not members of the Presidium.

The Auditor and Reserve Auditor are elected by the WFCC Meeting for a period
of one (1) business year in a regular session.[17]


A Committee normally consists of two to five (2-5) persons.

A Committee reports to the WFCC Meeting to give it a basis for decisions.
The report includes:

  • the important facts relevant for the clarification of the decisions
  • the possible options
  • the arguments in favour and against each option
  • the Committee’s opinion

Each Committee shall appoint a Spokesman from among its members. The Spokesman
delivers an oral report to the WFCC Meeting.

11.1 Standing Committees

For fields of work that require lengthy preparation and activity above and
beyond WFCC Meetings, the WFCC is empowered to appoint Standing Committees.
In addition to giving the WFCC a basis for decisions within its field of work,
Standing Committees regularly inform the WFCC about the work accomplished
in the field throughout the year and the current status of the work.

12 Financial Regulations

12.1 Principles

The WFCC Meeting defines a business year.[18]

The WFCC’s financial means are collected and allocated by the Presidium according
to the Budget for the business year accepted by the WFCC Meeting.

At each Ordinary Meeting, the Presidium informs the WFCC Meeting about the
financial situation as follows:

  • Financial Report: actual financial movements in the previous business
  • Balance Sheet: financial situation (assets and liabilities) as per the
    end of the previous business year

Before their discussion and acceptance by the WFCC Meeting, the Financial
Report and Balance Sheet are reviewed by the Auditor. In his report to the
WFCC Meeting, he states:

  • whether he deems the two documents to be correct and complete
  • whether he proposes to the WFCC to discharge the Presidium from financial
    liabilities resulting from the activities in the previous business year

Based on the Auditor’s report, the WFCC Meeting decides whether to discharge
the Presidium from financial liabilities.

The Presidium then presents a Draft Budget for the following business year
to be discussed and accepted by the WFCC Meeting.

12.2 Documents

The Presidium shall provide the representatives with the following documents
along with the Agenda for Ordinary meetings:

  • Financial Report for the previous business year
  • Budget for the previous business year[19]
  • Balance Sheet as per the end of the previous business year
  • Draft Budget for the following business year

12.3 Agenda Items

The following items are mandatory in the agenda of each Ordinary meeting:

  • Presentation of the Financial Report
  • Balance Sheet
  • Auditor’s Report
  • Acceptance of the Financial Report and the Balance Sheet
  • Discharge of the Presidium from financial liabilities
  • Budget

12.4 Liabilities

The liabilities of the WFCC are limited to its assets.

12.5 Dissolution

In case of the dissolution of the WFCC the assets have to go to a foundation
or association with a similar goal, domiciled in Switzerland and exempt from

13 Concluding clauses

These Statutes came into force on October 19th 2010 in Hersonissos,
Crete, Greece.

They are published in German and have in this form sole validity in cases
of dispute.

I: List of current country members

Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Finland, France,
Great Britain, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan,
Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania,
Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Ukraine, USA (40 country members).

Annex II: Detailed rules for the admission and expulsion
of Member Countries

1. Visible activity in the composing and solving of chess problems or studies
must exist in a country applying for admission to the WCCF.

2. The application must be addressed in writing by the organisation applying
for admission to the President of the WFCC. It must be accompanied by the
undertaking that the country in question will actively participate in the
goal and principal activities of the WFCC.

3. The delegate nominated by the organisation must orally present the application
at an Ordinary Meeting of the WFCC. Only then may a decision on the application
be reached.

4. If a Country Member is entirely absent from three successive ordinary
meetings of the WFCC, the latter is entitled to decide, in an Ordinary Session,
to expel the Country Member. The Country Member in question must first have
the opportunity to make written representations on the matter. Provided that
the due conditions are fulfilled, a resumption of representation at a later
Ordinary Meeting is permissible.

5. Country Members committing acts which run counter to the Statutes of the
WFCC or its resolutions and decisions or not fulfilling other duties according
to WFCC decisions may be temporarily or definitely excluded from the WFCC
by a decision at an Ordinary Meeting of the WFCC, on the proposal of the Presidium.

6. When a Country Member is admitted or expelled, the list in Annex I must
be amended by decision of the WFCC.

Annex III: Attribution of titles

Attributed titles

The WFCC awards, in conjunction with the FIDE, for life the titles of:

a.   Grandmaster of the FIDE for Chess Compositions

b.   International Master of the FIDE for Chess Compositions

c.   FIDE Master for Chess Compositions

d.   International Judge of the FIDE for Chess Compositions

e.   International Solving Grandmaster of the FIDE

f.    International Solving Master of the FIDE

g.   FIDE Solving Master

h.   Honorary Master of Chess Composition


Rules for the attribution of titles

Composing titles

a) "Grandmaster of the FIDE for Chess Compositions"

A problem Composer must have at least 70 problems in the Albums. For a study
composer the corresponding minimum number of studies required in Albums is

b) "International Master of the FIDE for Chess Compositions"

A problem composer must have at least 25 problems in the Albums. For a study
composer the corresponding minimum number of studies required in Albums is

c) "FIDE Master for Chess Compositions"

A problem composer must have at least 12 problems in the Albums. For a study
composer the corresponding minimum number of studies required in Albums is

In counting the points for the mentioned master titles, the value of a joint
composition will be divided by the number of composers collaborating. If a
composer competes with problems as well as studies then one study = 1 and
2/3 problems.

Judging title

d) "International Judge of the FIDE for Chess Compositions"

Only national chess federations, national associations for chess compositions
as well as the members of the WFCC have the right to propose a member of their
chess federation as a candidate for the title "International Judge".

The standing Qualifications Committee examines the proposal in the WFCC.
The candidate has to fulfil the following qualifications:

i) First application for the title International Judge in one section: 6
awards among them at least 4 awards in the section applied for and among them
two published abroad are needed.

ii) First application for the title International Judge in more than one
section: 4 awards (among them two published abroad) in one section which must
be signified as first section and 3 awards in each other section are needed.
(This means that a candidate for 2 sections must present at least 7 awards
and for 3 sections at least 10 awards).

iii) Application for extension of the previously granted titles to other
sections: 3 awards in each of those sections.

All awards mentioned above should be of international composing tourneys.

The sections to apply for are: 2#, 3#, n#, s#, h#, fairies, endgames, retros
and mathematics.

All applications must be in written form. They should be addressed to the
Spokesman of the Qualifications Committee or to the President and must be
signed by the Chess federation, the national association for chess compositions
or the delegate of the applying country. [forms for applications,
pdf-file, 71 kb]

Solvers’ rating and titles

A rating is a numerical value which a solver gains by solving in two approved

A rating can be gained at the WCSC, WCCC-Open, or other tournaments which
fulfil definite criteria.

The rating list is published four times a year. It is calculated on the basis
of the results of solving tournaments completed (including the report) by
the end of March, June, September and December.

The WFCC gives authority to a person(s) or an WFCC responsible for calculating
the ratings according to the approved formula (an Excel macro has been developed
for help).

Solving norms

Norms for the titles International Solving Grandmaster (GM), International
Solving Master (IM), FIDE Solving Master (M) can be gained if at least 5 title
holders with ratings GM 2550 / IM 2450 / FM 2350 and other solvers with the
obligatory qualifying rating – 2600 for GM / 2500 for IM / 2400 for FM altogether
compete at the tournament.

To obtain a norm a solver must achieve a minimum performance rating 2650
/ 2550 / 2450. He must be placed within the number of solvers with the qualifying
rating 2600 / 2500 / 2400 (i.e. at least sixth place when there are six solvers
with rating min. 2600 / 2500 / 2400).

Solving titles

e) International Solving Grandmaster of the FIDE: A solver must gain a norm
3 times (at least once at the WCSC or ECSC) and achieve a rating of 2600.

f) International Solving Master of the FIDE: A solver must gain a norm twice
and achieve a rating of 2500.

g) FIDE Solving Master: A solver must gain a norm twice and achieve a rating
of 2400.

Honorary title

h) Honorary Master of Chess Composition

This title can be granted to problemists aged more than 70 years, having
great merits in problem chess, who did not succeed in getting one of the master
titles mentioned above

Annex IV: Procedure for Presidium elections

1. Elections to the Presidium shall be held at every fourth Ordinary Meeting
of the WFCC. Voting shall take place for all four posts in the same year.
However, if a Presidium post falls permanently vacant during the term of office,
a special election may be held for the relevant post, if the WFCC deems this
appropriate, but the candidate elected shall serve only for the remainder
of the original four-year period.

2. In an election year, a special meeting of the WFCC shall be arranged for
the purpose of voting, not later than the penultimate day of the Congress,
and at no later than 21.00 on that day.

3. At the opening session of the WFCC in an election year, the President
shall nominate a working party of three persons from different countries to
supervise the elections. One of the three should normally be the Secretary.
No current delegate or deputy may be a member of this working party.

4. A delegate wishing to stand for election to the Presidium shall give his
name on paper to the working party by 22.00 on the day before the elections
are to be held. The paper must show clearly the post or posts for which the
delegate wishes to stand.

5. The working party shall display a list of the candidates for each post
by 9.00 on the day of the elections. No additions shall then be made to this
list, except as provided for in paragraph 7 below. Withdrawals, however, will
be permitted.

6. The election shall be held in a closed session of the WFCC. One member
of the working party (not the Secretary) shall take the chair. Each post shall
be dealt with separately, starting with the President and continuing through
the Vice-Presidents in order. The chairman shall read out the names of the
candidates for the Presidency. At this point each of these candidates may,
if he so wishes, address the WFCC for a maximum of 10 minutes. Afterwards
there can be a discussion. The chairman shall then invite delegates to record
in secret their vote for one of these candidates, on paper provided for the
purpose. Any candidate obtaining a majority of the votes cast shall be declared
elected. Otherwise delegates will vote again between the two candidates gaining
the most votes in the first round. In the event of a tie in the second round,
the chairman shall call a recess of not more than 10 minutes, after which
the vote shall be taken again. If the result is again a tie, the chairman
shall determine the outcome by selecting one of two folded slips of paper
each bearing the name of one candidate.

7. Any candidate defeated in the vote for the Presidency may now declare
his candidature for any or all of the posts of Vice-President, if he has not
already done so. The chairman shall read out the names of candidates for the
post of 1 st Vice-President. Any candidate may address the WFCC for not more
than 10 minutes, provided he has not already spoken.

8. In the event of a tie, the same procedure shall be adopted as for the

9. The posts of 2nd and 3rd Vice-President shall be dealt with in exactly
the same way, with previously defeated candidates being entitled to stand,
and candidates having the same right to address the WFCC for a maximum of
10 minutes.

10. All the voting shall take place within the same session.

11. The duties of the working party shall cease as soon as the new Presidium
has been elected in its entirety.

Annex V: Verification
of representatives’ right to represent their country member

Upon his first appearance in the WFCC Meeting, a delegate must provide an
official document issued by the country member that he represents.

Upon each appearance in the WFCC Meeting, a deputy must provide a written
document from the delegate or country member that nominated him.

[1] The WFCC is the successor in interest of the Permanent Commission
for Chess Composition (PCCC).

[2] Normally, this is either (one of) the country’s chess federation(s)
or (one of) the country’s chess composition organisation(s).

[3] The verfication of a delegate’s or deputy’s right to represent their
member country is detailed in Annex V.

[4] Individual members can at them same time be delegates or deputies.
Individual members are not entitled to nominate a deputy for their individual

[5] The WFCC Meeting is the General Assembly of the WFCC.

[6] e.g. as author of the respective proposal or as delegate of a country
member directly concerned by the decision

[7] e.g. as Spokesman of a Committee

[8] I.e. if the facts to be gathered or the opinions to be listened
to exceed the time frame of WFCC sessions.

[9] cf. 11

[10] detailed in Annex V

[11] The President’s vote counts equal to that of the other members.

[12] Individual members have no voting right in votings and elections.

[13] including the Annexes

[14] by bilingual delegates or designated interpreters

[15] A document is assumed to be have been delivered in written form if
it was sent to the recipient by E-Mail and the recipient has confirmed its
reception by letter or E-Mail.

[16] There is no rule against re-election of Presidium members for another

[17] There is no rule against re-election of the Auditor and Reserve Auditor
for another period.

[18] e.g. July 1st to June 30th

[19] for comparison with the Financial Report

*) Addition: In Jurmala 2008 the following
new title was accepted. It was not noticed when the new Statutes were prepared
for Crete. To add this to the Statutes must be decided in 2011:

"FIDE Solving Judge" A candidate shall have conducted
at least 6 rated tournaments (among them at least 3 for norms) in a good way
(selection of problems, efficient and correct marking etc.). For application
of the title, all relevant documents should be provided with the exception of
very old tournaments. Only delegates may send proposals. The Solving Committee
shall study the proposals and prepare opinions for the Qualification Committee.

as pdf
(72 kb) |
forms for judge applications,
pdf-file, 71 kb


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