FIDE Album 2019-21 Section G results

The results of the FIDE Album 2019-21 section G are ready!

A high number of 1479 fairies (not counting 19 duplicates) were received and, as in the previous album, they were split in two groups: G1 for problems without fairy conditions (729) and G2 for those with fairy conditions (750). In each group there were three judges with each team of judges working independently. 1274 entries scored at least 4,5 points (86,14% of the total entries, a very good percentage). 383 compositions out of them scored at least 8 points, which represents a high ratio of 30% selected problems. Of course the respective ratio varies in the two groups. Full statistics are given in the page of the results.

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

Harry Fougiaxis, FIDE Album Committee spokesman

11th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2023 – Preliminary results – D,F


The preliminary results in sections D-Endgame studies, F-Selfmates (PDF) are published and can be found above the Announcement, in the Preliminary Results section. Preliminary results are published without names. Names will appear in the final results. Claims of defects and anticipations can be sent to the Director during 2 weeks after the publication of the preliminary results (until 22.08.2023).

11th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2023 – Preliminary results – A,C,G


The preliminary results in sections A-Twomovers, C-Moremovers, G-Fairies (PDF) are published and can be found above the Announcement, in the Preliminary Results section. Preliminary results are published without names. Names will appear in the final results. Claims of defects and anticipations can be sent to the Director during 2 weeks after the publication of the preliminary results (until 15.08.2023).

FIDE Album 2019-21 Section E results

The results of the FIDE Album 2019-21 section E are ready!

An impressive number of 2380 helpmates (not counting 67 duplicates, withdrawn, unpublished problems) were received and they were split in three groups: E1 for h#<=2, E2 for h#2,5 and h#3, and E3 for h#>3. As usual, the h#2s dominated once more. In each group there were three judges with each team of judges working independently. 2053 entries scored at least 4,5 points (86,3% of the total entries, a very good ratio for such a popular genre). 362 compositions out of them (nearly 10% less compared to the previous album) scored at least 8 points, which represents a reasonable ratio of 17,9% selected problems (same percentage as in the previous album!). Of course the respective ratio varies in the three groups. Full statistics are given in the page of the results.

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

Update (20.08.2023): Five h#2s were downgraded by the judges due to poor originality (Krätschmer/Wiehagen, Jorge Karpos, Novomeský, Vasyuchko) or weak economy (Mosiashvili). The compositions were removed from the list and the results were updated.

Harry Fougiaxis, FIDE Album Committee spokesman

Happy International Chess Day!

The United Nations picked July 20 to to mark the date of the International Chess Federation’s establishment in 1924, and to promote chess. This is also our day, let’s celebrate it with some delightful chess compositions on our boards!

Many of you across the world will celebrate International Chess Day with various activities and happenings all about our beloved game. On this day, we want to reinforce the tradition started in previous years: we ask members of the chess community to teach someone how to play chess. The more, the merrier! Be it your neighbour, niece, colleague or grandfather, let’s make the chess family grow. Don’t forget to share your experience on social media using the hashtag #Internationalchessday. Let’s make our celebrations really big and prove that chess is the most played game in the world!

FIDE Album 2019-21 Section A results

The results of the FIDE Album 2019-21 section A are ready!

1029 twomovers scored at least 4,5 points (out of the totally submitted 1250 entries), a very good percentage of 82,3%. Out of this lot, 233 compositions are selected with 8+ points (including 41 qualifying from WCCI), a reasonable percentage of 22,6%.

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

Harry Fougiaxis, FIDE Album Committee spokesman

FIDE Album 2019-21 Section F results

The results of the FIDE Album 2019-21 section F are ready!

962 selfmates scored at least 4,5 points (out of the totally submitted 994 entries), a pleasantly very high percentage of 96,8%. Out of this lot, 270 compositions are selected with 8+ points (including 65 qualifying from WCCI), a high percentage of 28,1%. The recent development and quality increase of selfmates is evident: 55 more compositions are selected compared to the previous album.

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

Harry Fougiaxis, FIDE Album Committee spokesman