WCCT 1977-1996

WCCT 1977-1996

World Chess Solving Championship 1977-1996

    Harri Hurme solving in Riccione 1985

    Harri Hurme in cover photo

    A book containing the results of the first 20 World Championship tourneys
    in solving chess problems. Produced by Hannu Harkola, the Finnish
    delegate in the Permanent Commission of the FIDE
    for Chess Compositions and President of the Finnish
    Chess Problem Society

      107 pages
      339 diagrams and solutions
      200 solvers in the index
      28 photographs

    ISBN 951-97718-0-8

    Available (for 5 pounds postpaid UK) from the British Chess Problem
    Society, Peter Fayers, 2 Beechwood Avenye, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 2PA, Great


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