Study of the year 1995
Grigori Slepian

White to play and win 4+5
1.e8D Tc7+ 2.Lc6! Txc6+ 3.Kb4 Tb6+ 4.Ka3!! h1D 5.Dh8+ b2 6.Dxh1+ Ld1
7.Txb2!/i Tb3+ 8.Ka4/ii Td3+ 9.Tb3! wins
i) 7.Dxd1+ b1S+! 8.Ka4 Tb4+ 9.Ka5 Txb5+ 10.Kxb5 stalemate
ii) 8.Txb3 stalemate
{1.Tg3? La5 2.Lg7 Se4+, 1.Td3? La5 2.Lg7 Sb3+ 3.K:e2 Sc1+,
1.Th3+? Kg2 2.Th5 Sf3+ 3.K:e2 Ld4!, 1.Te5? Sf3+, 1.Te6? Sf3+
2.K:e2 Sd4+)
Study of the year 1996
Oleg Pervakov
1. Prize B. Gusev JT

White to play and win 4+5
1.Tg3? La5 2.Lg7 Se4+
1.Td3? La5 2.Lg7 Sb3+ 3.Kxe2 Sc1+
1.Th3+? Kg2 2.Th5 Sf3+ 3.Kxe2 Ld4!
1.Te5? Sf3+
1.Te6? Sf3+ 2.Kxe2 Sd4+
1.Te7! La5 2.Lh8! a1D+/i 3.Lxa1 Sb3+ 4.Kxe2 Sxa1 5.Ta7! Lc3!
6.Kf1 Kh2/ii 7.Ta2!! Le5!/iii 8.c3+! Kg3 9.Txa1 Lxc3 10.Ta3!
i) 2.- Se4+? 3.Kxe2 Sc3+ 4.Kf3! a1D 5.Th7+ Kg1 6.Ld4+ or 3.- Lc3 4.Lxc3
Sxc3+ 5.Kf2 Sd1+ 6.Kg3!
ii) 6.- Le5 7.Ta5! Sxc2 8.Txe5 Kh2 9.Te2+ Kh1 10.Te4
iii) 7.- Kh1 8.Ta3 Le5 9.Ta5, 7.- Sxc2 8.Txc2+ and 9.Txc3
Study of the year 1997
Mario Matous
2. Prize Cs. Sach

White to play and win 4+3
1.Sf6+ Kg7 2.Se8+ Kh6 3.g7 Tf1 4.Tg6+! Kh5 5.Sf6+ Txf6 6.Kxf6 e1D 7.Tg5+!
Kh6! 8.g8S+ Kh7 9.Kf7 wins