Minutes Eretria 2005

Minutes Eretria 2005



48th Meeting in Eretria, Greece, 3rd – 10th September 2005


Official Participants

John Rice, Great Britain, President
Hannu Harkola, Finland, 1st Vice-President
Uri Avner, Israel, 2nd Vice-President
Kjell Widlert, Sweden, 3rd Vice-President
Paul Valois, Great Britain, Secretary

Helmut Zajic, Austria, Delegate
Luc Palmans, Belgium, Delegate
Petko Petkov, Bulgaria, Delegate
Zvonimir Hernitz, Croatia, Delegate
Bjørn Enemark, Denmark, Delegate
Michel Caillaud, France, Delegate
David Gurgenidze, Georgia, Delegate
bernd ellinghoven, Germany, Delegate
Byron Zappas, Greece, Delegate
Zoltán Laborczi, Hungary, Delegate
Francesco Simoni, Italy, Delegate
Tadashi Wakashima, Japan, Delegate
Vilimantas Satkus, Lithuania, Deputy for Vidmantas Satkus
Živko Janevski, Macedonia, Delegate
Henk le Grand, Netherlands, Delegate
Wladyslaw Rosolak, Poland, Delegate
Dinu-Ioan Nicula, Romania, Deputy for Ion Murãrasu
Jakov Vladimirov, Russia, Delegate
Marjan Kovacevic, Serbia & Montenegro, Delegate
Bedrich Formánek, Slovakia, Delegate and Honorary President
Marko Klasinc, Slovenia, Delegate
Thomas Maeder, Switzerland, Delegate
Evgeny Reitsen, Ukraine, Delegate
Mike Prcic, USA, Delegate

Klaus Wenda (Honorary President) and Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic) apologised
for absence. Anatoly Slesarenko deputised for Jakov Vladimirov (Russia) in the
third session, and Zoran Gavrilovski for Živko Janevski (Macedonia) in the final

Other people who contributed actively included: Harry Fougiaxis, Nikos Kalesis,
Dimitris Kefalas, George Manetas, Pavlos Moutecidis and Costas Prentos (organisation),
Yochanan Afek, Juraj Brabec, Paz Einat, Hans Gruber, Marek Kolcák, Nikolai Kralin,
Viktor Melnichenko, Piotr Murdzia, Oleg Pervakov, Hans Peter Rehm, John Roycroft,
Andrei Selivanov, Rainer Staudte and Colin Sydenham (Subcommittees), Peter Bakker,
Christopher Jones, Axel Steinbrink and Ward Stoffelen (WCSC and Open Solving
Tourney) and Irina and Maria Kuzmicheva (interpreters).

1 Opening address

President John Rice opened the meeting and welcomed delegates and observers.
This was the first time that the Congress had taken place in the same country
two years in a row. He thanked our Greek hosts, Harry Fougiaxis and his helpers,
and in particular Nikos Kalesis and Dimitris Kefalas of the Chess Club of Koridallos.

2 Tributes

The President announced with regret the death of many persons prominent in
chess composition, in particular:

Jan Hannelius, Finland 7.12.1916 – 7.3.2005 [PCCC President 1974-86]
Friedrich Chlubna, Austria 15.4.1946 – 6.1.2005 [PCCC Secretary 1972-74]
Alexander Hildebrand, Sweden 24.12.1921 – 3.8.2005 [Former Delegate for Sweden
and Estonia]

The Commission stood in memory of them and of the following:

Vyacheslav Anufriev, Russia 1949 – 2005
Vladimir Archakov, Russia 24.9.1938 – 6.1.2005
Mike Bent, Great Britain 27.11.1919 – 28.12.2004
Dragutin Bišcan, Croatia 24.8.1923 – 14.12.2004
Eero Bonsdorff, Finland 18.10.1921 – 3.9.2004
Alex Casa, France 17.4.1932 – 8.2005
Alex Ettinger, Israel 16.8.1923 – 14.1.2005
Arpád Földeák, Hungary 8.7.1917 – 2004
Georgy Kakabadze, Georgia died 2005
Vyacheslav Kopaev, Russia 18.3.1938 – 28.5.2005
Mykola Nagnibida, Ukraine 12.6.1939 – 19.3.2005
Mihai Olariu, Romania 17.9.1920 – 1.8.2005
József Pogáts, Hungary 10.7.1928 – 2004
Konstantin Sukharev, Russia 26.2.1912 – 8.10.2004
Rolf Trautner, Germany 7.8.1939 – 7.1.2005
Lev Ulanov, Latvia 10.12.1922 – 17.6.2004
Pavel Vyoral, Czech Republic 6.4.1945 – 15.1.2005
Heinz Zander, Germany 19.3.1924 – 14.9.2004

3. Verification of Attendance and Voting Rights

30 member countries out of 39 were represented. The meeting was declared legal.
The following countries were not represented: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Hercegovina,
Brazil, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia and Spain.

4. Approval of the Halkidiki minutes 2004

There being no objections, the Minutes were approved.

5. Membership of the Standing Subcommittees

1. WCCT: U.Avner Spokesman, B.Formánek, b.ellinghoven, H. Gruber, Ž.Janevski,
E.Reitsen, J.Rice, F.Simoni, J.Vladimirov, B.Zappas

2. WCCI: P. Petkov Spokesman, D.Gurgenidze, Z.Hernitz, M.Prcic, A.Selivanov,

3. Solving: M.Klasinc Spokesman, U.Avner, M.Kolcák, P.Murdzia, J.Vladimirov

4. FIDE-Album: K.Widlert Spokesman, U.Avner, b.ellinghoven, H.Gruber,
J.Rice, A.Selivanov

5. Qualifications: H.Harkola Spokesman, B. Enemark, L. Palmans, C.Sydenham,
H. Zajic (A.Mikholap, I.Murãrasu, K. Wenda)

6. Computer Matters: T.Maeder Spokesman, P.Einat, B.Enemark, Ž.Janevski,
I. Ketris, Z.Laborczi, H. le Grand (B.Stephenson)

7. Studies: Y.Afek Spokesman, D.Gurgenidze, N.Kralin, O. Pervakov, J.
Roycroft (G.Costeff)

8. Codex: [Vacant] Spokesman, B.Formanek, C.Sydenham, K.Widlert

9. Judging: J.Rice Spokesman, U.Avner, J.Roycroft

10. Terminology: B.Formánek Spokesman, J.Brabec, I. Ketris (M.Dragoun)

(Names in brackets denote members absent this year.)

Marko Klasinc resigned from the WCCI Subcommittee and the President thanked
him for his work both as Director of the WCCI 1998-2000 and as first Spokesman
of the Subcommittee. The WCSC Subcommittee was renamed the Solving Subcommittee
in view of its increased scope. Günter Büsing resigned as Spokesman of the Codex
Subcommittee. Spokesmen elected during the week were Petko Petkov (WCCI) and
Hannu Harkola (Qualifications). The Working Party for the International Solving
Competition (chairman Uri Avner, members Peter Bakker, Axel Steinbrink and Ward
Stoffelen) also met during the week.

6. Notification of Proposals, and Subcommittee Business

Discussion of the proposals were allocated to the Subcommittees as follows:

6.1 U.Avner ("Second chance" Album): FIDE-Album
6.2 b.ellinghoven (Composing tourney for beginners) for discussion in full
6.3 M.Klasinc (Solving norms at the ECSC): Solving
6.4 M.Prcic (next WCCI): WCCI
6.6 H# judges, WCCI 2001-3 (Rules for the WCCI): WCCI

As regards Proposal 6.5 (Extending the opportunities to gain norms), the President
invited everyone to discuss the ideas contained in the various documents, and
also in the 2004 brochure of GM Valentin Rudenko. He would arrange the preparation
of a document summarizing the various arguments, in advance of the 2006 Congress,
to facilitate discussion at that Congress. The question of quicker decisions
and procedures was referred to the FIDE Album Subcommittee. An article from
Honorary President Klaus Wenda regarding the WCCI was circulated to delegates.
Preliminary discussion of the 1st International Solving Competition (ISC) and
1st European Chess Solving Championship (ECSC) would take place at the Solving

7. Brief Reports by Delegates on activities during 2004-2005

Great Britain (J.Rice). The British Chess Problem Society and Chess
Endgame Study Circle continue to hold regular meetings. There was a BCPS Residential
Weekend in Derby in April, though numbers were reduced, partly though a clash
with the German Solving Championship. Russia (J.Vladimirov). The Album
Russia 2001-2003 had been published, and also the fourth in Jakov Vladimirov’s
anthology series, 1000 masterpieces of chess composition. His 1000 chess problems
had gone into a fourth edition. Ukraine (E.Reitsen). The 2004 Annual
had been published, and a copy was presented, as per tradition, to the President. Israel (U.Avner). Meetings in Tel-Aviv are held on the first Sunday of
every month. A match with Macedonia is currently in progress. Slovakia
(B.Formánek). The 50th issue of Pat a Mat had been issued. B.Formánek
had retired after 52 years as President of the Slovak Organisation for Composition
Chess, his successor being Emil Klemanic. Croatia (Z.Hernitz) A match
Saxony v Croatia in 3 sections was won by Saxony 127-107. Hungary (Z.Laborczi).
Three tourneys, Benko-75 JT, Lindner MT and Földeák MT were being conducted,
and a tourney for young composers was planned. Finland (H.Harkola). Meetings
are held every 2 weeks in Helsinki and every month in Tampere. This year Suomen
Tehtäväniekat celebrates its 75th anniversary. Finland won a composing match
against Switzerland. Greece (B.Zappas). All Congress participants were
given a booklet which included the awards in the Martoudis MT and the Dniepropetrovsk
v Thessaloniki composing match. Estonia (I.Aunver). A problem column
in a sports newspaper was the only current activity, but it was hoped to do
more. Latvia (I.Ketris). A composition website http://a8.q.nu was being
developed. Romania (D-I. Nicula). A book on Radu Dragoescu by V.Petrovici
and M.Stere had been published. A trophy named after Dragoescu was being awarded
for chess composition. USA (M.Prcic). Mike Prcic had published a collection
of Julius Buchwald’s problems.

8 Sub-Committees: Reports and Discussion

1. WCCT [World Chess Composition Tourney] (Spokesman Uri Avner)

8th WCCT. Uri Avner reported that the themes had been selected, judging duties
had been allocated to countries, and a timetable established. The current wording
of themes on the PCCC website was not yet final, but would be soon. Any subsequent
questions should be addressed to the Director, Hans Gruber. The tourney would
be announced through the PCCC website. The Director of the 7th WCCT, Živko Janevski,
had a list of email addresses for countries which were not members of the PCCC.
David Gurgenidze expressed concern that the same countries would be judging
the studies section again. A change was made when Finland offered to judge in
that section.

Marjan Kovacevic said that in discussions he had held with many problemists
before formulating his proposal [one of the documents in Proposal 6.5], much
dissatisfaction with the 7th WCCT had been expressed. He preferred a system
of ranking the best 30 entries in each section, rather than totalling judges’
marks. Uri Avner replied that his experience had been different: the new format
of the WCCT was widely appreciated and considered successful, even if improvements
could still be achieved. He thought an absolutely perfect system was an illusion,
and that the one suggested by Marjan had its own drawbacks. It was, he claimed,
much easier to give marks than to rank problems in order. The President commented
that the marks system helped to reward quality. Marjan said that there was a
weakness in that the 0-4 marking system gave an advantage to countries that
marked severely. Uri Avner replied that the Subcommittee hoped to deal with
excessive discrepancies between judging countries by giving increased powers
to the WCCT Director. In general, there would be no significant changes in procedure
between the 7th and 8th WCCTs, as alterations to the new system, if any, were
better done gradually; further experience of it was desirable too. Marko Klasinc
commented that we should begin to think about arrangements for the 9th WCCT,
so as to get into a 3-year cycle.

2. WCCI [World Championship in Composing for Individuals] (Spokesman
Petko Petkov)

WCCI 2001-2003. Director Mike Prcic distributed the award booklet for this
event, which had been completed on time. The President congratulated Mike, and
thanked him for all his work. By a unanimous vote, the results of the WCCI 2001-2003
were confirmed as final.

Future WCCI. The Subcommittee recommended that in future the WCCI should involve
only original compositions, either in a thematic tourney or with free theme.
Marko Klasinc reminded the meeting that a preliminary announcement had been
made in 2003 regarding the WCCI 2004-2006, and that we should continue with
the present system for that period. For 2007-2009 Marjan Kovacevic mentioned
an old suggestion from Milan Velimirovic to have both a thematic tourney and
one for originals, with the scores combined. Jakov Vladimirov recommended a
theme tourney only for WCCI 2007-2009, as free-theme originals were less easy
to compare. He commented that in 2006 we would be able to compare the selections
made by judges for the FIDE Album 1998-2000 and WCCI 1998-2000. Henk le Grand
said that an originals tourney for the WCCI would deprive magazines, the lifeblood
of composition, of the best work. Bernd ellinghoven suggested that for 2007-2009
we should have a combined WCCT and WCCI competition. A definite decision regarding
the WCCI was required at the 2006 Congress, and the Subcommittee would bring
forward proposals.

Petko Petkov and Jakov Vladimirov asked about the status of World Champion
titles and medals given out at the St Petersburg 1998 Congress [based on the
results of the 1989-1991 FIDE-Album]. The President said that they were of course
valid, but that the system had then been changed [the present WCCI had been
introduced at Netanya 1999]. Marko Klasinc said that we should refer to the
World Individual Championships of 1989-1991, 1998-2000, 2001-2003 without any
numeration. This had always been the intention of the WCCI Subcommittee. Marjan
Kovacevic raised the question of problems being judged more than once by different
sets of judges. Proposal 3 in his paper addressed this problem, saying that
WCCI marks should be carried over to the FIDE Album tourney.

3. Solving (Spokesman Marko Klasinc)

WCSC Director Peter Bakker announced the results of the 29th World Chess
Solving Championship, Eretria.
Team: 1.Great Britain 158½/180 pts; 2.Israel 155½ pts; 3.Finland 148½
pts; 4.Poland 148 pts; 5.Germany 145½ pts; 6.Slovakia 135½ pts. (19 countries).
Individual: 1.Piotr Murdzia (Poland) 84/90 pts; 2.Jonathan Mestel (Great
Britain) 80 pts; 3.John Nunn (Great Britain) 78½ pts; 4.Marjan Kovacevic (Serbia
& Montenegro) 78 pts; 5-6.Ofer Comay (Israel) and Michel Caillaud (France) 76½
pts. (72 solvers)

Peter Bakker had replaced Brian Stephenson, who had had to withdraw at short
notice for family reasons. The President thanked Peter and his team, and congratulated
the winners.

International Solving Competition The trial-run ISC, held in January
2005 with 262 solvers from 23 countries participating, had worked smoothly.
The three top-placed solvers were: 1.Roland Baier (Switzerland), 2.Kari Karhunen
(Finland) and 3.Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic), all with maximum points and
separated only on time. Director Ward Stoffelen was thanked for his work in
controlling this event; he indicated his willingness to continue, and announced
that the 2006 ISC would take place on 22nd January.

The Solving Subcommittee was opposed to awarding norms based on ISC results
for technical reasons – many venues, different time zones. On the other hand,
the ISC Working Party chaired by Uri Avner recommended that solvers should be
able to get one [FIDE Master] norm at the ISC, perhaps with a higher threshold
if the problems were easier than at other events. Maybe the ISC should have
two sections, for stronger and weaker solvers. Uri said that many solvers had
expressed an interest in gaining norms through the ISC. Marjan Kovacevic presented
a different point of view, that the main purpose of the ISC was popularisation,
to attract new solvers who might then move on to norm-granting events. It was
important that solvers got their results quickly. He mentioned a solving tourney
in Serbia & Montenegro held simultaneously at 4 venues with 56 solvers, with
all scores being available in one hour. Ward Stoffelen said that delay was inevitable
with the ISC, where the central controller had to ensure consistency of marking
between different countries. Zoltán Laborczi mentioned that the ISC had been
used as this year’s Hungarian Solving Championship. It was decided to defer
the question of norms to the next Congress. However, as regards solvers’ ratings,
a vote was taken on the question: "Should solving ratings be affected by the
next ISC?" This was agreed, the voting being: For 9, Against 7, Abstentions

European Chess Solving Championship. The first ECSC, held in Poland
in June 2005, was a great success, being almost as strong as the WCSC. The event
was won by Finland (216 points), with Great Britain second (213½) and Serbia
& Montenegro third (201). The leading solvers were Pauli Perkonoja (Finland
– 86 points), Piotr Murdzia (84) and Marjan Kovacevic (80½). The President thanked
Director Axel Steinbrink, Piotr Murdzia (who had been the inspiration behind
the event) and his helpers for their work. No decision was reached regarding
the venue for the next ECSC. The Czech Republic offered to stage it in Pardubice
on 15th July 2006, but this was too close to the date of the 2006 Congress.
Serbia & Montenegro had offered at Halkidiki 2004 to stage the 2006 ECSC in
Belgrade, but this was now difficult. Nor was it possible to combine the ECSC
with the German International Solving Championship in 2006 or 2007. Possibly
at the next Congress a venue might be found for late 2006.

Proposal 6.3 (Solving norms at the ECSC). This proposal by Marko Klasinc
was fully supported by the Solving Subcommittee. A motion that "The ECSC should
be regarded as an appropriate means of gaining obligatory norms for the Solving
GM and IM titles" was approved by 24 votes for, 0 against, with 1 abstention.
The alterations appear at the end of these Minutes.

Other topics. Changes to the WCSC rules would be considered during the
year. Regarding criteria for solving norms, comments would be welcomed by Marko
Klasinc on the principle of "percentage of winner’s score"; when a solving tourney
is won with a high score, few norms are achieved.

4. FIDE Album (Spokesman Kjell Widlert)

FIDE Album 1998-2000.
The provisional results of all sections were now known.
The President made a proposal aimed at allowing composers to be awarded titles
gained through these results at the present Congress. Delegates were offered
two options: 1. Grant all titles without condition. 2. Grant them provisionally,
to be confirmed when all Album work is complete (which will be about March 2006).
Option 1 was approved: 15 for, 7 against, 4 abstentions. Bernd ellinghoven announced
that the Album would be printed in time for the 2006 Congress.
FIDE Album 2001-2003. The closing date for entries had only just passed,
so there was little to report.
FIDE Album 2004-2006. The Subcommittee had considered ways of speeding
up the process. A suggestion that composers should rank their entries to make
judging work easier would be discussed next year. Directors and judges had now
been selected, and the 2004-2006 Album tourney would be announced during 2006,
with a closing date sometime in 2007. This time there would be separate directors
for the H#2 and Longer Helpmates sections.

Publication of problems selected for the Album on the web. The Subcommittee
were happy for points to be published on the web, but not the diagrams and solutions,
lest sales of the printed volume be affected. However, Harold van der Heijden
had specifically asked that the selected studies be put on the web, to give
the opportunity for comments on soundness and originality to be made; this was
agreed by the Subcommittee.

Entries lost in the mail. Section directors should make a list of all
entries received, to be put on the PCCC website, as a confirmation of receipt
for composers.

Proposal 6.1 ("Second chance" Album). Uri Avner proposed
such an Album, to contain compositions from the period 1951-2000 which it was
felt had been wrongly excluded from the published Albums. Most members of the
FIDE Album Subcommittee opposed the proposal; there would be a huge amount of
work involved in collecting compositions, many by deceased composers, and in
judging. The Subcommittee preferred the idea of an anthology. Marko Klasinc
supported the proposal, saying that in particular, selection of H#s, S#s, Fairies
and Retros in early Albums was unsatisfactory. Jakov Vladimirov commented that
in 10 years’ time we might have a different view of which problems deserved
to be in the Album, and Luc Palmans reminded the Commission that the FIDE Album
was a tourney judged according to standards prevailing at a particular time.
The President concluded that there was insufficient support within the Commission
for the idea. An anthology might be compiled, but it should be a private undertaking,
not a PCCC project.

5. Qualifications (Spokesman Hannu Harkola)

The title of International Judge of the FIDE for Chess composition was
awarded to:

Yakov Rossomakho (Russia) Twomovers, Threemovers

The title of FIDE Solving Master was awarded to:

Yochanan Afek (Israel)
Vlaicu Crisan (Romania)
Aleksandr Leontiev (Russia)
Dmitry Pletnev (Russia)

In addition, the following 1st norms have been achieved in various competitions:
GM: Ladislav Salai jr (Slovakia); IM: Vladimir Blokhin (Russia) and Vlaicu Crisan
(Romania); FM: Claus Czeremin (Germany), Klemen Sivic (Slovenia) and Miroslav
Voracek (Czech Republic).

As decided by the Commission, the following titles were awarded on the provisional
results of the FIDE Album 1998-2000:

The title of Grandmaster of the FIDE for Chess Composition was awarded

Udo Degener (Germany)
Nikolai Kralin (Russia)
Franz Pachl (Germany)
Oleg Pervakov (Russia)

The title of International Master of the FIDE for Chess Composition
was awarded to:

Reto Aschwanden (Switzerland)
Aleksandr Bakharev (Russia)
János Csák (Hungary)
Stefan Dittrich (Germany)
Vasyl Dyachuk (Ukraine)
bernd ellinghoven (Germany)
Vaclav Kotešovec (Czech Republic)
L’udovit Lacný (Slovakia)
Jorge J.Lois (Argentina)
Mario Parrinello (Italy)
Valery Shavyrin (Russia)
Stefan Sovík (Slovakia)
George Sphicas (USA)
Sergei N.Tkachenko (Ukraine)

The title of FIDE Master for Chess Composition was awarded to:

Igor Agapov (Russia)
Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic)
Valery Gurov (Russia)
Christopher Jones (Great Britain)
Viktor Kapusta (Ukraine)
Evgeny Kolesnikov (Russia)
Thierry le Gleuher (France)
L’udovit Lehen (Slovakia)
Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
Yury Marker (Russia)
Waldemar Mazul (Poland)
Daniel Papack (Germany)
Philippe Robert (France)
Ladislav Salai jr (Slovakia)
Andrei Selivanov (Russia)
Sergei Smotrov (Kazakhstan)
Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia)
Sven Trommler (Germany)
Vyacheslav Vladimirov (Russia)
Peter Wong (Australia)

The FM title for Waldemar Mazul was posthumous. All titles were approved unanimously.
The President congratulated the successful title-winners. It was thought that
Yochanan Afek might be the first person to hold international titles for composing,
solving and over-the-board play.
Hannu Harkola reminded delegates that applications for International Judge should
be submitted to him in good time before the Congress, and on the correct forms
A and B.

6. Computer Matters (Spokesman Thomas Maeder)

It had been suggested by Jakov Vladimirov that the PCCC should recommend a
particular solving program to ensure consistency in its competitions, as was
done with the Album Russia. The Subcommittee suggested to the PCCC not to recommend
a particular program, mainly for two reasons: testing programs compete in a
free market which the PCCC should regulate very reluctantly if at all; and no
program is perfect (it is not even clear what "perfect" should mean
when used to qualify a testing program). Problemists are encouraged to publish
reports about their experiences with testing programs in the various magazines.
The Subcommittee also reminded problemists not to read too much into the "C+"
tag written next to a problem; in the worst case, this tag only means that somebody
had tried to use a computer to obtain some information about the correctness
of the problem.

Solving programs on handheld computers and "smart phones".
These devices are gradually merging, which makes it possible for testing programs
to be run on them. Developers are encouraged to offer their testing programs
using this technology. On the other hand, miniaturisation also allows for abuse,
especially in solving tourneys.

PCCC on the web. Currently, the web is used by the PCCC very effectively
to distribute information, mainly through its official site, but also through
others, such as the "Solving Chess" site. More recent web tools should
now be explored to offer the problem world new features (e.g. the site suggested
by Marjan Kovacevic for the publication of FIDE Album candidate problems). This
exploration would be done throughout the year, in the hope of first results
at next year’s meeting. If possible, the PCCC web site should also be reachable
through an address in the domain fide.com .

No progress had been made on the standardisation of format for the electronic
transmission of chess diagrams and solutions. Thomas said he hoped to devote
time to this during the year.

7. Studies (Spokesman Yochanan Afek)

The new Spokesman was welcomed. He reported that Oleg Pervakov had been co-opted
as a new member.

Study of the Year 2001-2003. Selection of these had been put back to
the 2006 Congress, so as to examine the studies sent as FIDE Album entries for
the period. Bjorn Enemark said that it would be better to select every year,
rather than in 3-year batches. Yochanan agreed, but felt that the title Study
of the Year committed the Subcommittee to examine thoroughly the published studies.
Perhaps a different title would be appropriate. In the meantime, delegates were
encouraged to send suitable studies to Yochanan.

8. Codex – no meeting this year.

9. Judging (Spokesman John Rice) – no meeting this year.

10. Terminology (Spokesman Bedrich Formánek)

The Subcommitee approved the article "Motifs" given with the 2004
Minutes, and its use in the definition of themes was recommended.

The definitions for the 8th WCCT were considered and approved.

During the coming year the Subcommittee would prepare an article about terminology
relating to two- and multi-phase compositions, concerning changes between phases.
The article would be available at least 6 weeks before the 2006 Congress.

The President reminded delegates that proposals for the 2006 Congress needed
to reach him by mid-May for distribution with the Agenda in early June.

9. Other Proposals

Proposal 6.2 (Composing tourney for beginners). There was general approval
for this idea put forward by bernd ellinghoven. Russia agreed to organize the
tourney; it would be announced on the PCCC website and in leading magazines,
and the award would be published in Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya. The principle
question was who was eligible to participate, and after some discussion it was
decided to restrict entry to composers who did not feature in the FIDE Albums.

10. Future meetings of the PCCC and future WCSC

Invitation 2006. Acceptance of the offer of the Netherlands to stage the Congress
at Wageningen from 29th July to August 5th 2006 was confirmed: 21 votes for,
6 against, 1 abstention.

Invitation 2007. Jakov Vladimirov offered to hold the Congress in Sochi, on
the Black Sea coast, but had no concrete details. A full proposal would be brought
to the 2006 Congress. Uri Avner offered to hold the 2007 Congress in Israel,
for example at the Mercure Suites, Bat Yam, with prices similar to those at
Eretria. By a vote of 16 for, 3 against, 6 abstentions, it was accepted provisionally
to hold the 2007 Congress in Israel.

11. Conclusion

The President thanked delegates, Subcommittee members and Spokesmen, his Vice-Presidents
and Secretary, interpreters Irina and Maria Kuzmicheva, and Harry Fougiaxis
and his helpers for making it a very good Congress. The venue and weather had
been good, and excellent work had been done. There being no other business,
he declared the meeting closed.

John Rice (President)
Paul Valois (Secretary)
September 2005



These should now read:

International Solving Grandmaster of the FIDE: A solver must gain a norm 3
times (at least once at the WCSC or ECSC).

International Solving Master of the FIDE: A solver must gain a norm twice (at
least once at the WCSC, ECSC, or WCCC-Open if it fulfils the tournament criteria);
or score once 100% of the winner’s points and qualify within the first 15 places
at the WCSC.

FIDE Solving Master: A solver must gain a norm twice; or score 100% of the
winner’s points and qualify within the top 40% places at the ECSC, or WCCC-Open,
if it fulfils the tournament criteria (or at the WCSC if not within the first
15 places).


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